Following the webinar from The Grocer #plantbaseddecoded, we took a renewed look at our report on reducetarians for the RSPCA Assured standard analysing the reasons behind a vegan based diet.
The rise in popularity can be tracked by the sign up figures for Veganuary, a paltry 3,300 in 2014 to a meteoric rise by 2018 with168,000. The statistics behind those numbers are also interesting (if you are data geeks like us anyway) - 84% of those signing up were female and 60% were under 35.
Our report explores the reason behind these choices, as reported by The Guardian, 'animal welfare, environmental concerns and personal health' were driving factors. Nevertheless, the sustainability of veganism comes under question as 90% of people still say they will eat meat 'some of the time'.
Download the full report and grab a cuppa to bring yourself bang up to date with all those vegan hipsters!